Workers’ Comp Impacts Social Security Disability

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville. Some work-related injuries are serious enough that the worker will qualify for both workers’ compensation benefits AND social security DISABILITY benefits.

Now to be clear, I’m not talking about Social Security Retirement. This is about Social Security DISABILITY benefits.

But there’s a catch. If your workers’ comp settlement agreement isn’t worked properly, it can reduce your social security benefits. This is referred to as the social security wraparound.

If you’re hurt and disabled, you deserve every dollar you’re entitled to. I’ve practiced Kentucky workers’ compensation law for over 40 years. I know what needs to be done and how to do it right. To be perfectly honest, experience DOES matter.

We can talk more about your situation, during our initial interview. Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.

For more information, visit:

Listen to my Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcast:…


Principal Office located in Louisville, KY.

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