What is a Deposition?

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices. One of the steps that will happen in your Kentucky workers’ comp claim is the insurance company’s attorney will take your deposition. So, what’s a Deposition? We actually call these discovery depositions.

You’ll never go through this along. I’ll always be present.  The who thing generally lasts 1 – 1.5 hours. It’s usually done by a video app called Zoom. It’s a lot like Facetime, if you have an iPhone. And you can often do this from home.

The purpose of the Deposition is to learn about the injured worker’s job duties, the work injury, any prior injuries, medical treatment and your return to work status. This interview helps establish factors about you and your claim. It’s basically an interview, with me present.

I’ll spend time preparing you for your deposition. Remember, this isn’t a trial or what you might have seen on TV. It’s simply an interview.  Workers’ compensation claims are handled in an administrative law setting.  There’s no jury.  It’s usually the injured worker, the worker’s attorney, the insurance company’s attorney and the judge.  Evidence is presented by both sides.  Eventually, the administrative law judge will make a decision regarding your case and the benefits you may receive.  There is also a possibility that your case is resolved in mediation, which can have some advantages.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions, during our initial interview. There are no upfront fees for an initial interview.  If you’ve been hurt on the job, you have important rights to medical treatment, lost wages and other benefits.  I’ll be happy to explain these when we speak.  Again, I’m Ched Jennings. Thanks for listening.

For more information, visit: https://www.jenningslawoffices.com/.  Our phone number is (502) 583-3882.  Contact us to schedule your free initial consultation about your injury, your situation and to get answers to your questions.

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