Welcome to Our New Podcast for Injured Kentucky Workers

Episode 1:  Louisville workers’ compensation attorney Ched Jennings launches his new podcast today.  During our conversation, we’ll learn more about Ched’s 45 years of practicing on behalf of injured Kentucky workers.  This episode sets the stage and lays the foundation for future episodes.  Let’s join in to learn more.

The Kentucky workers’ compensation system is there to help people when injuries affect their ability to make a living, do their jobs and support their families.  You really need the right attorney to ensure you get the benefits to which you’re entitled – by Kentucky state law.  Ched’s experience has enabled him to understand the medical aspects of the cases he handles.  Workers’ comp combines both the legal and medical fields.  It’s one of the more challenging parts of his practice at the Jennings Law Offices, which focuses on helping injured Kentucky workers.

Podcast for injured Kentucky workers

Ched attended UK for his undergraduate degree and went to law school at the University of Louisville.  He graduated law school in 1976.  His legal career includes private practice, as well as working for the state government in Frankfort.  He began working as the General Counsel for the Workers’ Compensation Board of KY.

Ched left that position and began legal work as a private attorney, similar to what he does now.  Later, in 1986, Governor Martha Layne Collins asked him to consider working on a task force.  Ched’s role was to help in designing a new administrative system for workers’ comp.  He was instrumental in helping to establish our current system involving administrative law judges, the Workers’ Compensation Board and upon review, enabling claims to proceed to the Kentucky Court of Appeals.

The founding principles of our system were actually established in 1916-1917.  The commitments involved an early delivery of medical care, early delivery of medical benefits, early delivery of disability benefits and a speedy resolution of workers’ compensation matters.  These commitments are still alive and relevant in today’s system.

In 2000, Governor Paul Patton invited Ched to be the Commissioner of the KY workers’ compensation system.  This role is the head of that entire administrative system.  The system impacts various groups including organized labor, injured workers, the Chamber of Commerce, employers, groups of insurance companies and more.  It’s the commissioner’s job to balance these various interests.

Over the years, as an attorney, Ched has argued a number of cases before the KY Court of Appeals and the Kentucky Supreme Court.  He’s frequently asked to testify in Frankfort to address the KY Senate and House on various workers’ compensation issues.  His career is built on helping injured Kentucky workers.

The years of experience Ched brings to his clients is exactly the core reason this podcast’s tag line is “It’s what you need to know.”  Now, he’s using this opportunity to help educate and communicate with not only injured workers, but the organizations and his colleagues, all of whom want the best of our citizens.


Do You Need a Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Office Phone:  (502) 583-3882>>

Website:  www.JenningsLawOffices.com

Follow the Jennings Law Offices on Facebook

Principal Office Address:  401 West Main St., Suite 1910, Louisville, KY 40202


Partnering with Organized Labor

Ched has become a trusted friend of organized labor throughout Kentucky.  He speaks regularly at conferences for the Kentucky AFL-CIO, he’s presented to various locals including the Teamsters and UAW and many others.  The Jennings Law Offices Facebook page and YouTube channel feature numerous endorsements and excerpts from some of these events. 

Can the Jennings Law Offices Help if You’re Not Located in Louisville?

Absolutely.  Many clients are based outside of the Louisville area.  However, if necessary, Ched and his team are happy to refer you to qualified attorneys across the state.  He’s made many contacts over the years, with attorneys he trusts to do it right for injured Kentucky workers.

If You’ve Been Injured, You Have Rights

Remember, you have the right to pick your doctor.  This is a significant issue for many people.  The company may try to limit you to doctors they prefer, but there’s often another reason they may decide to do that.  It’s all about money.  Check with your own doctor or contact Ched’s office for advice.  He’s always glad to help.  If you have to leave a message, he will return it.  You deserve that courtesy.

Understand that if you’ve sustained an injury, your body needs time to properly heal.  People often try to get back to work more quickly than necessary.  This can lead to improper healing or other problems.  Listen to your doctor and take his/her advice regarding any rehabilitation or light-duty.  It’s important.

Have questions? 

The Jennings Law Offices doesn’t charge for phone calls.  Many union stewards and others have Ched’s cell phone number.  If possible, we’d like you to come to the office.  For some people, that doesn’t always work.  Video calls might be an option.  In fact, due to the pandemic, many of the hearings and other activities are handled via Zoom video conferencing.  You can do a video call from your computer or a cell phone.

That’s it for this episode.  We’ll have another one ready for you in 2 weeks.  Until next time, remember, this is the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcast.  It’s what you need to know.

Principal Office in Louisville, KY