Understanding Your Workers’ Comp Hearing

I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices.  Let’s talk about your workers’ comp hearing in front of the judge.  We do this via the Zoom video app.  It’s a lot like Facetime on an iPhone.

The goal of the hearing is to have you give your testimony in front of the judge.  I want the judge to hear you describe:

  • Your pain
  • Your limitations
  • What’s happened to you job-wise
  • And whether the insurance company messed with your benefits

The is the opportunity for you to testify about your return to work and how well you’re doing.  It may also cover why you’re not able to return to work.  After a workplace injury, you may not be able to return to work or to the job you used to have.  Even if you do return, you may have restrictions due to your injury and related surgery.  These are factors that play an important role in the amount of benefits you’ll receive, once your workers’ comp claim has been resolved.

The workers’ comp hearing is the chance for you to tell your story to the judge.  As your attorney, I’ll prepare you for your hearing.  I’ll be the one asking you questions.  Basically, I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Some other people will participate in this hearing:

  • The judge
  • The court reporter, and
  • The attorney for the insurance company.

The advantage of doing the workers comp hearing via Zoom is that you can do it from home.  This eliminates the frustration and expense of you traveling to a hearing location.

We’ll talk more about this hearing during our initial interview.  Contact us to schedule your free consultation.  Our office phone number is (502) 583-3882.  Contact us today.

Again, I’m Ched Jennings.  Thanks for listening.


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