Why You Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville.  If you haven’t figured it out by now, the insurance company’s game plan is to deny your claim and treatment for your work injury.  Here’s why you need a workers’ compensation lawyer.

I call it the “AVOIDANCE GAME” and it’s simple to figure out.  What the insurance company doesn’t pay out for your work injury, they get to keep.

They’re very skilled at it because they’ve been doing it for years.  In reality, YOU’RE the one getting played.  And that’s simply not fair to any injured worker.

Why do you need a workers’ compensation lawyer?

  • To level to the playing field.
  • To make sure you receive your workers’ comp disability benefits.
  • To protect your right to reopen your case, in the event your condition worsens during the next 4 years.

Why do you need a workers’ compensation lawyer?

  • To make sure you get the right medical treatment with the doctor of your choice.
  • To protect your rights to receive medical treatment your work injury for at least 15 years.
  • To make sure you’re reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses like co-pays and mileage to/from your treatment.
  • And if appropriate, to make sure you get the fight to vocational re-training.

Do you and your family a favor and get a lawyer to help you with your work injury.

I’m Ched Jennings and I’m a Kentucky workers’ comp lawyer.  I’ve practiced for more than 40 years.  When it comes to protecting your rights, EXPERIENCE MATTERS.

We can talk more about all of this, during our initial interview.  Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.

Call The Jennings Law Offices:  (502) 583-3882

For more information, visithttps://www.JenningsLawOffices.com.

Listen to my Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcasthttps://www.youtube.com/@jenningslawoffices8352/podcasts

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