Medical Proof for Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville.  Let’s talk about medical proof as it relates to your workplace injury.  You don’t want to only rely on the doctors of the insurance companies.  As discussed in another video, In Kentucky, you have the right to choose your own doctor for a work-related injury.

Be Specific with Your Doctor

Has a doctor asked you, “So, how did this happen?”  That’s where it all starts.  You need to specifically say, “I got hurt at work” or “It’s a result of repetitive work duties.”

See, the insurance adjuster hopes the doctor will say it’s related to a prior condition or something other than a work-related injury.  We need to have medical proof to support your workers’ comp claim.  This includes the medical treatment records.  That’s why it’s so important to let your doctor know your condition is actually work-related.  If the insurance company can cloud the issue, it may negatively impact the benefits you receive.

Get the Evaluation and Treatment You Deserve

After I start representing you, I’ll refer you to a specialist for a medical evaluation.  That doctor will provide me with a report which includes:

  • A diagnosis and whether it’s work-related
  • The date when your recovery has leveled off
  • Your permanent functional impairment rating, and
  • Any recommended work restrictions

This medical proof is what’s needed to settle your workers’ comp claim or to have a judge enter an appropriate award of benefits.

Schedule a Free Consultation

I’m Ched Jennings and I’m a Kentucky workers’ comp attorney.  We can talk more about medical proof, during our initial interview.  Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.

For more information, visit:  Our phone number is (502) 583-3882.

Listen to my Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcast:…


Principal Office located in Louisville, KY.

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