Important Things to Know About Workers’ Compensation Claims in Louisville and Throughout Kentucky

Important Things to Know About Workers Compensation Claims in Louisville and Throughout Kentucky

What are some of the most important things to know about workers’ compensation claims in Louisville and throughout Kentucky?  How can you ensure that your Kentucky workers’ comp claim is properly filed and maximize the odds of a successful finding in your case?

Your Employer is Required to Pay All of Your Medical Expenses Related to Your Work-Related Injury

Did you know that your employer is required to pay of your medical expenses related to your work-related injury in Kentucky?  This includes bills from any hospital or emergency medical treatment as well as your doctor and/or chiropractor, any prescribed and related over-the counter medications, needed medical supplies and supportive equipment such as a wheelchair, crutches or a brace.

What Type of Compensation is Available for an Injured Worker in Kentucky?

There are many forms of workers’ compensation claims in Louisville and associated benefits when a worker is injured on the job in Kentucky.  The “Lost Wages” portion of Kentucky workers’ compensation benefits ensures our injured workers recover part or all of the wages they would normally earned had they not suffered a qualifying injury or occupational disease at work.

After missing 7 days due to a work-related injury Temporary Total Disability or TTD provides eligible workers with 2/3rds of an injured workers average weekly wage (including overtime).  There are some limitations on TTD payments and it usually ends when your doctor clears you to return to work.

Workers’ Compensation Claims in Louisville When Disability Occurs

Important Things to Know About Workers Compensation Claims in Louisville and Throughout KentuckyThere are additional workers’ compensation claims in Louisville and across Kentucky with benefits available to those who suffer a work-related injury in Kentucky which results in permanent injury.  Kentucky law breaks these claims into two types: Permanent Partial Disability or PPD and Permanent Total Disability or PTD.

Permanent Partial Disability or PPD is available to injured Kentucky workers who have reached “Maximum Medical Improvement.”  Maximum medical improvement is the point where your doctor believes your condition has basically gotten as well as it will, and further recovery or improvement will not be likely.  You may be able to return to work but have some form of permanent impairment.  PPD payments are 2/3rds of a workers income and are between 20% to 100% of the Kentucky average weekly wage.  PPD usually lasts for up to 425 weeks and there is a maximum total amount payable by law.  These benefits end when the recipient qualifies for Social Security benefits in the future.

Permanent Total Disability or PTD is available to an employee who has suffered a work-related injury which is not only permanent, but leaves the patient unable to do any type of work in the future because of their injuries.  PTD is also 2/3rds of the workers’ wage and while there is no minimum established, the maximum amount of PTD is 75% of the Kentucky average weekly wage.

An Experienced, Proven Kentucky Workers Compensation Attorney and Law Firm

While these are some of the most important things to know about workers’ compensation claims in Louisville and throughout Kentucky perhaps the most important is for you to immediately see your own doctor, make sure you tell them where and how you were injured and provide notice to your employer.  The Jennings Law Offices will help you at every step in the process.  Ched Jennings has more than 47 years of experience fighting for the injured workers of Kentucky including the filing of claims for work related injuriesworkers compensation benefits, fighting denied work injury claims, and managing temporary or permanent disability resulting from a vast number of work-related injuries.

If you have been injured at work in Kentucky we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact the Jennings Law Offices or call today for a substantive and free consultation at (502) 583-3882>>.