The Caseworker Is NOT Your Friend

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville. Is a caseworker in the room when you meet with your doctor?  The caseworker is not your friend. They’re actually employed by the workers’ comp insurance company.

Their goal is to influence your doctor’s treatment of your workplace injury. They perhaps get your doctor to return you to work with restrictions sooner than needed. Basically, they’re there to save the insurance company money.  If you’ve been injured at work, the workers’ compensation insurance carrier is responsible for your medical bills.  It can get expensive, so they’ll try to do what they can to limit what they have to pay you.

You Have Rights

Under Kentucky law, you have the right to meet with your doctor in private. This gives you the best opportunity to get the get care for your injury. You have the right to request the caseworker not be present during your time with your doctor. If the caseworker refuses, ask him/her to give you a text, email or letter telling you they have the right to be there. You’ll never get it in writing, because it just isn’t the law.

In fact, as your attorney, the caseworker has to have my permission to have ANY contact with you. Again, the caseworker is not your friend, even if they act very nice. You don’t want to let them influence your doctor.

Need a Free Consultation for Your Workplace Injury?

I’m Ched Jennings and I’m a Kentucky workers’ comp attorney. We can talk more about all of this, during our initial interview. Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.

For more information, visit:

Listen to my Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcast:    / @jenningslawo.  .


Principal Office located in Louisville, KY.

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