How Can an Injured Kentucky Worker Get Workers Compensation Payments without Risking Their Job?

Workers Compensation Lawyer Louisville Kentucky

Many of those who are injured on the job in Kentucky do not receive the workers compensation benefits they are entitled to receive under State law.  In many cases, injured workers are worried about their job, and their employer is making it hard for the worker to receive the medical attention and benefits they deserve.  How can an injured Kentucky worker get workers compensation payments without risking their job and income?  Your company may not seem to believe you are injured and may not be willing to give you light work or let you pick your doctor for treatment.  Ask them to put their requirements in writing!  In case you don’t know this, there is a State law that protects you from retaliation for a work related injury or the seeking of disability benefits and medical treatment..

The Jennings Law Offices have been helping Kentucky’s injured workers for decades.  Our clients value knowing the truth, and the real world legal advice and counsel we provide.  They appreciate having a strong legal partner on their side who stands behind them until the injured worker is ready for us to step out front.  Our skilled attorneys guide you through the process from the sidelines.  There is no cost to you out of pocket, as we are paid when you receive the benefits you deserve.

We work to get your workers compensation injury case back on the right track.  We ensure you find the right doctor who can help to diagnose and document your real injuries and get the MRI or medical treatment your company’s “occupational doctor” has been avoiding.  We help you to get the disability benefits  you deserve while you recover from your injuries, disability benefits for you future work limitations, the past and future related medical care .

How can an injured Kentucky worker get workers compensation payments without risking their job?  Contact the Jennings Law Offices for a free consultation at (502) 583-3882>>.  Learn how we have helped injured Kentucky workers for decades to help receive the workers compensation benefits they truly deserve.  Have you been denied benefits or are you concerned about a past settlement which was too low?  We stand behind you guiding you through the process until you are ready for us to step out in front and lead the way.

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