Are They Telling You You’re an Independent Contractor?

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville, Kentucky. So, when you get hurt, they might try to tell you you’re not an employee, instead, you’re an independent contractor and therefore not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

What’s the difference between an Independent Contractor and an Employee? It’s all about control. If you’re required to be at work during certain times; If they tell you where you have to work; If they provide the tools and equipment you use; Guess what? You’re an employee and entitled to receive workers’ comp benefits for your work-related injury or condition.

Now, there are legitimate reasons someone should be qualified as an independent contractor.  If this is the case, then the company may not be required to pay for any work-related injuries.  The key is to avoid trying to make this determination for yourself.  You should speak with an experienced, Kentucky workers’ compensation attorney.

Workers’ compensation benefits include payment of your medical expenses, money while you’re off work on doctor’s orders, the right to re-open your case if your condition worsens and many others.  If you were injured while working for a company, these aren’t rights you should give up on, just because they’re telling you that you don’t qualify.

We can talk more about whether you’re an independent contractor or really an employee, during our initial interview. Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.

Again, I’m Ched Jennings. Thanks for taking a minute to listen. I look forward to hearing from you, soon.

Contact our office  to schedule a free consultation.  Our phone number is (502) 583-3882.  We can handle workers’ compensation claims in all 120 Kentucky counties.

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