Advantages of Using Mediation

Hi, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville, Kentucky.  Mediation is a popular way to resolve Workers’ Comp claims in Kentucky.  There are multiple advantages of using mediation that have a direct impact on your benefits.  I’ll explain them for your consideration.  Even though your temporary total disability (TTD) payments usually start after you’ve filed a claim, during the time you’re off work, there are other types of workers’ compensation benefits you should consider.

If your claim is decided by an Administrative Law Judge, the judge can only award you weekly benefits.  With mediation, an injured worker usually receives a lump sum payment.  Getting a lump sum can enable you to have more control over your settlement funds.  You may also want to talk with Ched about using a structured settlement to protect these funds and to enable them to grow tax-free.

Another one of the advantages of using mediation is that you can still maintain your rights to future medicals and the right to re-open your case, should your condition worsen.  You never know what the future holds.  Complications from surgeries, changes in your ability to work and other factors need careful consideration.

There’s an additional, significant advantage of mediating your Kentucky workers’ compensation claim.  In mediation, the injured worker and the insurance company reach a settlement, which ends the litigation.  It often results in a speedier resolution of your claim.  The workers’ comp system moves fairly slowly.  Having an option to speed up the resolution of your claim is an important consideration you should discuss with Ched.

We can talk more about this option, during our initial interview.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.  Our office phone number is (502) 583-3882.

Again, I’m Ched Jennings.  Thanks for listening.


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