Workers’ Comp Benefits Go Beyond Just the Money

As a Kentucky workers’ compensation attorney who’s served injured workers for decades, I can tell you the importance of taking a wider view of your claim.  Workers’ comp benefits go beyond just the money.

Hello, I’m Ched Jennings, Founder of the Jennings Law Offices in Louisville.  Workers’ Comp is more than just the money in your pocket.  Let me explain.

I’m going to PROTECT your right to have the related medical bills paid both now and in the future.  I’m going to PROTECT your right to reopen your case should your medical condition worsen.  If you qualify, I’m going to PROTECT your right to vocational retraining.

Again, there’s more to Workers’ Comp benefits go beyond just the money in your bank account.  Did you know you’re entitled to a reimbursement for mileage and any out of pocket expenses related to your medical treatment?  Workers’ Comp can cover the cost of chiropractic care and event acupuncture.

If you’ve lost a spouse or parent member due to a workplace fatality, there’s also survivorship benefits, so be sure to watch my video on Death and Survivorship Benefits.

Like I said, there’s MUCH more to workers’ comp benefits go beyond just the money in your pocket or bank account.  You’ll want to be protected down the road.  You’ll want an attorney who knows workers’ compensation law.

I’m Ched Jennings and I’m a Kentucky workers’ comp attorney.  I’ve practiced for more than 40 years.  When it comes to protecting your rights to workers’ comp benefits, EXPERIENCE MATTERS.

We can talk more about all of this, during our initial interview.  Remember, at the Jennings Law Offices, there’s no charge for my initial interview with you.  There are no upfront fees to hire us.  Contact my office today to schedule time to meet.  Our office phone number is (502) 583-3882.

Listen to my Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Podcast:…

Principal Office located in Louisville, KY.

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